This is our ultimate post! Jean-Marie collected all the impressions of the students in a brainstorming like meeting. At the end of the meeting, he asked them to describe the whole trip in one word.
- We raised an interest for the geography and the development issues of the island.
- The classes we attended matched for most of us our majors and minors at Colgate.
- All the information that was given to us by the professors and the locals was always in context.
- Trying local food and working through our prejudices about it.
- Using the French we learned in class at Colgate.
- The fascinating history of the evolution of Creole.
- Being able to get out of your comfort zone and explore Martinique and its people.
- The Diamond rock history (the symbol of the French and British conflicts)
- Professors teaching the classes and joining us to give more explanations on the field trips when we toured the island.
- The professors continuously complementing us on our motivation and enthusiasm.
- We enjoyed our discussions with local college students.
- The group itself is the high point of the trip.
- Walking up the mountain when the bus broke down for 20 minutes.
- Beyond the luxury of the food, the weather and the beaches; I'm so thankful that I was able to build the bonds that I have with the group and the individuals we have worked with in Martinique. The island is beautiful, rich in culture and tradition has a great spiritual energy. I learned so much I cant wait to visit again.
- The ocean and the weather were really appreciable.
- Delicious pastries.
- Having a workshop on Zouk (the local music and dance) at the hostel for our last night.
- Eating Kinders!!!
- Eating French crepes on the beach.
- Exploring the island and seeing all the beautiful mountains, beaches, sites, and the colors of the land. It was great learning about all the culture and the the history of this beautiful island that it Martinique. It's always wonderful being in a place of great history.
One word to describe this trip:
Mesi Anpil (Merci beaucoup / Thanks a lot)
Woulo (Bravo / Well done)
Fout I bel la Martinique (Qu’est ce qu’elle est belle la Martinique! / Martinique is beyond beautiful)
Soleil creole (creol sun)
A annot soleil Martinique!
(See you soon Martinique!)